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March 2021

Thursday 18 March 2021 

 Full Council Meeting

Basingstoke Councillors debated protection of Basingstoke & Deane's precious landscapes


On Thursday night, Cllr Mark Ruffell brought a Motion to Full Council to gain support for protecting Basingstoke’s important landscapes.

The motion sought to ask Officers and the EPH Committee to examine working with residents, neighbouring designated areas, neighbouring district and county councils and Natural England and other interested bodies to examine what areas of the Borough should seek designation in order to protect our historic villages and landscapes.

In the same manner it asked Officers and the EPH Committee to examine working with residents, neighbouring designated areas, neighbouring district and county councils and other interested bodies to establish nature recovery networks in order to protect our historic villages and landscapes.


After some discussion the debate was adjourned and the council has asked that the motion be brought back with wording adjusted to emphasise the importance of all our valued landscapes throughout the borough.


To listen to the debate: –   (skip to 2 hours 28 minutes to hear Cllr Ruffell’s Motion).


STaNHD think that the area being proposed for the Upper Swallick development should be part of a green network of high quality landscapes around Basingstoke, protected for the enjoyment of the residents of Basingstoke and neighbouring communities.


Please urge your local councillor, wherever you are, to support a strong planning framework within which housing can be built that is truly affordable and in sustainable locations.


It is time that our communities are planned, not by developers but by planning experts with the public interest at heart.


Please write to your local council candidates in the run up to the election on 6 May 2021 to ask them

to support this idea.

Find your councillor here:




Council Meeting 18.3.21.png

MARCH 2021 NEWS:  


  • The petition has reached over 8,000 signatures.

  • The CPRE have produced a report citing the area as a Valued Landscape and as such must be protected. 

  • To view their report click here:


  • STaNHD are developing further responses and activity regarding the protection of the North Hampshire Downs.

  • We are consulting Planning & Traffic Consultants  and Landscape Specialists.

  • We urgently need to raise more funds to pay for this professional advice.

  • Please could you donate to support STaNHD, no matter how small, every amounts counts!

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